When your entrusted to care for some one else's property you have a very responsible position to uphold. That's why you need to have the utmost trust in the Pest Management Company you engage to carry out work on their behalf. Novopest can ensure you that all our work is of the highest quality and that careful consideration is taken with regard to the tenants needs and also the owners expectations. Our unique residential treatment options offer your client value for money and give assurance that you have done the very best for them that you can.
Professional Services Pest Control Management
Property Managers

Strata Managers

When it comes to the complexities of pleasing so many people you need to know that the Pest Management Company you recommend really cares. Novopest really cares. With over 17 years experience working with and co-ordinating work at strata premises, we understand and appreciate the difficulties and rewards associated with it. Our very competitive pricing schedule for Timber Pest Inspections and Pest Management Treatments allow you to offer your clients a premium service with excellent value for money.
Your client needs a pest inspection? You need to know that you are offering them the best available option when it comes to expertise, service, integrity and cost. Novopest have been performing professional pest inspections in the Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Port Stephens, Central Coast and Hunter areas for 17 years and have carried out thousands of reports for Solicitors, Conveyancers and Purchasers during this time. Although we have all the latest tools at hand, such as thermal cameras, there is no substitute for an experienced eye, powerful torch and a careful attention to detail. Our written reports are both comprehensive and easy to read, including information on Termites, Borers, Wood Deacay, Chemical Defibration, Water Leaks, Drainage, Ventilation and also the presence of non structural pests suchas Cockroaches, Ant, Rats and Mice. All of this combined with our very competitive rates will provide your client with the peace of mind they need during this sometimes daunting but exciting time.

With so many Termite Management Systems on offer which is the best and most cost effective available? The answer is easy. TermSeal.

TERM seal Ure fen active
(containing 0.2% Bifenthrin) Cavity Perimeter System, the ferfect full block barrier, is a plastic material that undergoes an exothermic reaction, completely filling the cavity below the damp course. Ura Fen has many uses for both pre & post construction.

TERM-seal PRM Active
(containing 0.1% Bifenthrin) is a 110mm (poly re-enforced membrane) Brick Cord Production and inspection band. It is a strong, robust, 700 Um thick and designed to prevent brick slide.

TERM-seal Active Sealent
(containing 0.1% Bifenthrin) specially designed to cope with the rigorsof building and joint movement and is used to seal all types of construction joints, gaps and fissures, adhere TERM-seal PRM Active, treat around penetrations or seal ant capping.

TERM-seal Penetration Collar
protection can protect any size penetration through concrete slabs regardless of shape or size. Collars fit 40mm, 50mm, 65mm, 80mm or 100mm pipes.